Attention: end-time Christians!

How to prepare against
the Mark of the Beast
coming for your money

This video will NOT groundlessly GUESS what the Mark is without first identifying the Beast.

So set aside a devotional hour now to watch this COMPLETE prophetic analysis uninterrupted.

Then be sure to get the preparation blueprint below the video for FREE.

What to do next:

Now, the video above – Unmasking the Mark – was just the start.

There are other things you need to know to make your preparations on time:

– How to prepare a self-sustaining food farm to survive when you can no longer buy or sell.

– How to plant fruit trees to TRIPLE their growth speed compared to the US Forestry Department method.

– The remaining end-time prophetic truths besides “Unmasking the Mark”.

These are the truths that servants of God have been digging up from the Bible diligently for OVER 500 YEARS,

compiled into one comprehensive study guide, the Prophecy Encyclopedia, so it will take you NO MORE THAN A MONTH.

Most people who studied the Bible their entire lives still NEVER could unlock all these by themselves.

One month studying this in your daily devotional time will save you 30-40 YEARS of Bible study.

Just add friend and tell me to send it to you for FREE on MY FACEBOOK,

or if you prefer X, send a message to Mary Anne my assistant on her X PROFILE:

If you prefer emails, you can tell me where to send it to you for FREE here: