These lessons present the most vital and profound Truths of the Bible, especially the extremely urgent End-time prophecies surrounding the global decree FORBIDDING BUYING AND SELLING prophesized in Revelation 13:17,
together with how to quickly push your income pass $10k/month by honest hard-working labor, and how to use that money to prepare the needed facilities against this evil decree, saving your life and that of others.
(Bible-illiterate friendly)
01 . The Vision of Ages
02. The Cross of Christ
03. Evolution or Creation
04. Who is the Anti-Christ?
05. The Ten Commandments
06. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit
07. The First Beast
08. The Seal of God
09. 666 and the Mark of the Beast
10. The Second Beast
11. The Last True Church
12. The Testimony of JESUS
13. Satan
14. The Truth about Hell
15. The Truth about Death
16. The Kingdom of Heaven
17. Tithes and Offerings
18. The Diet of Champions
19. Baptism
20. The End of the World
21. Cleansing the Sanctuary
22. Who are the 144.000?
23. The Latter Rain
24. Ultimate Purpose