

Thank you very much for visiting our Donate page.

This Ministry’s mission is “Ushering in the Second Coming of the Lord JESUS upon the world”. Operating in the communist country of Vietnam, its main aim is to translate and carry the Gospel of the Son of God, the three angels’ messages and the error-cleansing truths of God’s Word to the Vietnamese population – the majority of which doesn’t speak English. It operates solely by the tithes and offerings of charitable brothers and sisters in Christ, such as yourself.

All tithes and offerings made to the Lord through this ministry to support His work, please send to bank account:

VPbank (Vietnam)
Account no.: 161775282

Or via this Paypal account:

Or into this following crypto currency LiteCoin account (LTC only):


In the case of a contribution made in crypto currency, please inform the ministry so that the contribution made can be exchanged into normal currency immediately, less the fluctuation of the currency damages the value of the the Lord’s money.

While we’re at it, you should learn how to use crypto-currencies for transactions, as they are one the cheapest ways to transfer means internationally, capable of bypassing all restrictions, even of communist regimes.

You can visit for example, to set up your account for crypto-currency transactions.

Lastly, if you wish, when making donations, please leave behind your name and phone number (if possible, the same number that you use for facebook), so the ministry can connect you with other brothers and sisters of the same faith under the Lord.

May the Lord richly bless you according to your faithfulness in tithes and offerings, as He has declared in Malachi 3:10.