Ultimativer Zweck
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{Ellen G. White, Education, 57.3-57.4}
‘The greatest want of the world is the want of men
—men who will not be bought or sold,
men who in their inmost souls are true and honest,
men who do not fear to call sin by its right name,
men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole,
men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.
But such a character is not the result of accident;
it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence.
A noble character is the result of self-discipline,
of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature
—the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man.’
Congratulation on reaching the last lesson of the Prophecy Encyclopedia!
If you have advanced through all the previous lessons without skipping,
to learn and accept the truths explained therein,
you have now gained access to the entire Arsenal of Truth
that the Lord has given to the Last True Church
as immovable Pillars of Faith.
And with that, you should have also realized your personal Purpose,
the reason why the Lord created you
and brought you up to this point by His good providence.
Because His Purpose for all those who are chosen to be brought up here,
whom He gathers into One Fold ([04] John 10:16),
the Pioneeric Seventh-day Adventist church,
Should you choose to accept this mission,
we shall now be bound by One Ultimate Purpose:
to Hasten the End of the World.
{Ellen G. White, the Desire of Ages, 633.3}
‘…It is in our power to hasten our Lord’s return.
We are not only to look for but to HASTEN the coming of the day of God.’
So how do we hasten the coming of our Lord?
In previous lessons, we have learned the prophetic events
that must take place before the second coming:
1) The Mark of the Beast (sunday law) is issued:
sabbath keepers will no longer be able to buy or sell.
2) The three angels messages are preached to the whole world.
3) The 144.000 are baptized with the Holy Spirit (the Latter Rain), and are sealed.
4) Immediately after the sealed reaches 144.000 in number,
probation closes, the seven last plagues are poured out,
and then the second coming of our Lord.
In short, the sealing of the 144.000 being completed
is the key event that will signal the close of probation.
The work of gathering members for this group
until they shall reach the prescribed number
is thus the key to hasten the second coming of the Lord JESUS.
1. What special qualifications must people have in order to be reckoned among the 144.000?
In lesson “Who are the 144.000?“,
we have learned their three main identifications:
1) They know the Only True God and His Only Begotten Son CORRECTLY in their minds,
as signified by having their names written in their foreheads – a symbol of the mind ([27] Revelation 14:1).
This accurate knowledge would then in turn manifests itself out
as obedience to the fourth commandment regarding the Sabbath,
as an obvious part of the unchanging law of the Ten Commandments.
2) They are not contaminated by any lying heresies from the apostate churches:
Babylon or her daughters (not defiled with women – a symbol of churches),
as stated in [27] Revelation 14:4, 5.
They understand all Bible truths accurately
and are thus cleansed from all heresies.
3) They “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth” ([27] Revelation 14:4):
total surrender and entire consecration to the Lord.
They are perfected by obedience to the Truth
to the point that they are described as “without fault” ([27] Revelation 14:5).
In short, the 144.000 are:
(1) thoroughly converted Christians who
(2) know the Father and the Son (not worshipers of the idol trinity god) and thus
(3) keep God’s commandments, including the Sabbath,
but even more so, they are those who
(4) understand all Bible truths accurately and have been cleansed by them from all impurities
and are thus gathered by the Truth into One Fold ([04] John 10:16), the Pioneeric SDA church.
And this is where the Prophecy Encyclopedia comes into play.
2. What is the Prophecy Encyclopedia? Did the prophet of God have any statement advocating it?
{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church vol. 6, 276.2}
‘Every church member should feel it his special duty
to labor for those living in his neighborhood.
Study how you can best help those who take no interest in religious things.
As you visit your friends and neighbors,
show an interest in their spiritual as well as in their temporal welfare.
Present Christ as a sin-pardoning Saviour.
Invite your neighbors to your home,
and read with them from the precious Bible
and from books that explain its truths.’
The Prophecy Encyclopedia is just that:
books explaining the truths that were given to the Pioneeric SDA church.
With the purpose of filling up the ranks
of those who are sealed with the Seal of God,
these lessons were designed to arm all seekers with the full knowledge of the Truth,
and hopefully, if anyone have not yet surendered their lives to the Lord,
faith will come with the hearing of the Word of God
explained accurately in these lessons ([06] Romans 10:17),
enabling them to do so and join the ranks of the 144.000.
{Ellen G. White, Spirit of Prophecy vol.4, 411.2}
‘NONE but those who have trained the intellect
to grasp the truths of the Bible
will stand through the last great conflict.’
But not only for the purpose of studying these truths
were these lessons compiled,
but also for the purpose of spreading them.
3. What is the one method that will grant true success in reaching converts for the 144.000?
{Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, 143.3 – 143.4}
‘Christ’s method alone
will give true success in reaching the people.
The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good.
He showed His sympathy for them,
ministered to their needs,
and won their confidence.
Then He bade them, “Follow Me.”
There is need of coming close to the people by personal effort.
If less time were given to sermonizing,
and more time were spent in personal ministry,
greater results would be seen.
The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for,
the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted,
the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled.
We are to weep with those that weep,
and rejoice with those that rejoice.
Accompanied by the power of persuasion,
the power of prayer, the power of the love of God,
this work will not, cannot, be without fruit.’
So here is Christ’s method laid out:
1) Mingle with men as one who desires their good.
Get to actually know the people.
Know their names, their lives, their trials.
2) Show sympathy to people.
People generally don’t care how much you know
until they know how much you care.
3) Minister to their needs and thus win their confidence.
Sometimes you can get people interested with just words,
but usually it is only after your acts of self-sacrificing love
are demonstrated by actual helps that you minister unto them,
asking for nothing in return,
can people be convinced that you really DO care.
The knowledge about them and their needs
that you acquired in step 1
will be useful now.
4) Then bade the people to follow the Lord.
Only until THIS does the work of teaching truths comes in.
4. How can step 4 above be accomplished? What is the first thing we ought to teach the new seekers to establish their faith?
[19] Hebrews 11:6 He that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
[06] Romans 10:17 Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
The very first thing we must do for the new seekers of Truth
is to establish their faith in the actual existence of God,
His supremacy, and the infallibility of His Word, the Holy Bible.
These things they must know BY HARD EVIDENCE
in order to please Him and advance on their journey.
And this is where the stories like that of [27] Daniel 2
presented in lesson 1 “The Vision of Ages”
would be a very good suggestion.
Who wouldn’t like a good story?
And this one is extremely efficient
in proving that there IS a Supreme God,
and that the Bible is His Word.
Only from then on would a strong foundation be laid
for people to interest themselves
in building up the habit of reading the Bible daily (preferably the Majority Text version).
7 chapters/day would be enough
to finish the entire book within 6 months.
Give them suggestions about the recommended order of books
that they should read in the Bible.
5. How can the rest of the Prophecy Encyclopedia be used to spread the truths that were given to the Pioneeric SDA church?
[20] Proverbs 4:18 The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
As the story of [27] Daniel 2 has been presented to them
as lesson 1 of the Prophecy Encyclopedia,
urge the new seekers not to stop there,
but to engage in studying the rest of the series of lessons
and grasp the truths that are the Pillars of Faith explained therein.
But now comes the tricky part:
it is best that people can study the lessons themselves
– and you should encourage them to study by themselves alone with the Lord if they can –
but if it is necessary, you must be willing to be their instructor,
even to walk them through each lesson according to their pace
until they can continue on their own to the end.
Whenever the opportunity presents itself,
urge people to give their lives to Christ,
and when they have also finished studying the truths
that are the Pillars of Faith explained in the Prophecy Encyclopedia,
and want to join the Last True Church,
let them be baptized and then recognized
as an official member of the church.
6. Did Lord JESUS only preach to large crowds, or did He Himself engage in one-on-one personal ministry also?
[04] John 3:1-3 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The same came to JESUS by night and said unto him,… JESUS answered and said unto him…
Don’t underestimate the power of personal ministry,
even just one on one.
Lord JESUS, who preached to multitudes,
spent time to talk with just one Nicodemus in [04] John 3.
Suppose an outstanding evanglist can save 100 people per year,
but does not train his converts
to exercise the above mentioned procedure of personal ministry,
after 10 years he will save 1.000 people,
after 20 years 2.000 only.
But an evangelist that know enough
to teach his converts to witness for the Lord
and teach Bible truths to others,
even if it is only one on one,
and each year, each of them can only save 1 person,
after 10 years, we will have 2^10=1.024 converts,
after 20 years 2^20=1.048.576 converts!
***Special note for success:
let believers organize into small groups of 2-3 people,
meeting regularly to encourage one another, exchange experiences,
and pour their hearts out praying for the souls they are working to save.
For“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow” ([21] Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church vol.7, 21.4}
‘The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort
has been presented to me by One who cannot err.
If there is a large number in the church,
let the members be formed into small companies,
to work not only for the church members, but for unbelievers.
If in one place there are only two or three who know the truth,
let them form themselves into a band of workers.
Let them keep their bond of union unbroken,
pressing together in love and unity,
encouraging one another to advance,
each gaining courage and strength from the assistance of the others.
Let them reveal Christlike forbearance and patience,
speaking no hasty words,
using the talent of speech
to build one another up in the most holy faith.
Let them labor in Christlike love for those outside the fold,
forgetting self in their endeavor to help others.
As they work and pray in Christ’s name,
their numbers WILL INCREASE;
for the Saviour says:
“If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven.”’ [01] Matthew 18:19.
7. Should the work of witnessing for the Lord be handled by ministers alone like what we are seeing nowadays in so many churches, or was the entire church, leaders and lay people alike, originally designed to take part in it?
[27] Revelation 12:9-11 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world… The accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.
[27] Daniel 12:3 They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
{Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, 81.1}
‘The church of Christ is God’s appointed agency
for the salvation of men.
Its mission is to carry the gospel to the world.
And the obligation rests upon ALL CHRISTIANS.
EVERYONE, to the extent of his talent and opportunity,
is to fulfill the Saviour’s commission.
The love of Christ, revealed to us,
makes us debtors to all who know Him not.
God has given us light,
not for ourselves alone,
but to shed upon them.’
{Ellen G. White, the Signs of the Times, June 6th, 1892, par.2}
‘There will be no one saved in heaven with a starless crown.
If you enter, there will be some soul in the courts of glory
that has found an entrance there through your instrumentality.
Then why not entreat the Lord to put upon you his Spirit,
that you may be able to awaken an interest in the truth
in the minds of those around you?
Think of your neighbors and friends and relatives who are out of Christ.
Think of those you have left in various foreign lands;
how much do you care for their souls?
You should be so filled with love for the lost
that you cannot forbear working for the salvation of souls.
What you need is JESUS.
He says, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst;
but the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.”
If the rich blessing of JESUS is in your hearts,
you will be able to refresh others.’
The evangelism tactic described above in this lesson,
which engage the entire church in the work of evangelism,
each person in his own sphere of influence,
originated from the Lord
and was indeed used by the apostolic church.
It is the highest form of what is called “MILITIA’S WARFARE” in modern military tactics.
It consists of 2 main principles:
(1) all the people must be armed with the weapon of Truth,
and (2) everyone must be rewarded according to their contribution to the cause
(see lesson “Tithes and Offerings” for more reference).
Using this strategy instead of centralizing all the means to the headquarter,
the church can (1) train and encourage every members
to share in the burden of the evangelistic work,
thus growing in the knowledge of the Truth,
(2) those who are called to be professional soldiers of the cross
can gradually build up their own means from the souls they saved,
to develop their ministry and start working full-time for the Lord,
and (3) should public evangelism is prohibited,
or the leaders and core evangelists captured and martyred,
the church will still go on and multiply in numbers,
because it was not dependent upon a few “heroes” to do all the work.
8. I’m willing to witness for the Lord and bring people to Him, but where do I start?
I’ll show you what to do right now.
1) Step 1, kneel down to pray, think and then write down
everyone that has a personal relationship with you,
friends, family, neighbours, colleague, etc…
that are not yet in the Truth.
Pray that the Lord work on their conscience,
ready them to be witnessed to.
This list-making is called “prospecting”.
2) Step 2: write down your own story
and practice to share it fluently.
Here is an example.
This is the most successful facebook post of an online ministry
titled “How the Gospel Changed My Life”.
It was posted on December 25th, 2022
and has had over 1 million views, 10.000 shares, and 5.000 comments.
How the Gospel Changed My Life
By Maria
I was born and raised in a small village in Vietnam.
I had a difficult childhood. My parents were poor, and I was often hungry and cold.
When I was 12 years old, my parents died in a car accident. I was left alone in the world.
I turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with my grief.
I started to hang out with a bad crowd, and I soon became addicted to drugs.
I also started to work as a prostitute to support my addiction.
I lived a life of sin and misery.
I was full of guilt and shame.
I didn’t know what to do with my life.
One day, I met a missionary from the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
He shared the Gospel with me, and I began to learn about Jesus Christ.
I was amazed by the love and forgiveness that I found in Jesus.
I realized that I could be forgiven for my sins and that I could have a new life.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, and I was baptized.
I started to attend church, and I began to live a new life.
I got clean from drugs and alcohol, and I quit my job as a prostitute.
I started to go to school, and I eventually got a good job.
I am now married and have two children.
I am so grateful for the love and forgiveness that I have found in Jesus Christ.
He has changed my life forever.
If you are struggling with sin and addiction, I encourage you to turn to Jesus Christ.
He is the only one who can truly set you free.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed
to helping people find hope and salvation through Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in learning more about our church,
please visit our website at [website address].
**#Gospel #Change #Hope #Salvation #SDA
Now, write down your own story
and practice to share it fluently.
Remember that there has to be 3 parts in your story:
you before the Lord, how you believed in the Lord, and you after knowing the Lord.
When sharing, don’t “ask for permission” to share,
because if you do, you give people the option of saying no.
Just share right when the opportunity present itself,
and that in itself is already a good intro.
And when it comes to the call to action, send them a link
to a lesson you deem suitable in the Prophecy Encyclopedia,
like lesson 1, The Vision of Ages,
or the very video “Unmasking the Mark” part 1 in the home page.
9. Are you ready to come close in Christian unity,
work together for the increase of the 144.000
until this army of the Lord is filled up,
and complete our mission
of ushering the second coming of JESUS Christ upon the world?
The final battle and the mission to usher in the second coming of the Lord JESUS Christ upon the world
Once The Mark of the Beast is decreed,
there can only be one of two things that will happen
to the church in organizational capacity:
either 1) it will be utterly destroyed:
churches will be confiscated,
books will be burned,
believers will be hunted and scattered;
or 2) it would have already been infiltrated by Satan’s agents,
manipulated and turned into his instrument of deception,
and therefore no longer need to be persecuted.
Thus, to ready ourselves for the conflict with him and his minions,
we must prepare a special church,
that cannot be destroyed by any third party,
containing the Bible, the books of EGW,
the lessons explaining the truths that expose heresies
to cleanse and train up believers automatically,
and it must be easy to share, access and connect globally.
This website and the platforms connected to it is one such tool.
I call upon the brethren,
especially those who have the gift of knowing multiple languages,
to participate in the work of translating and spreading
the Prophecy Encyclopedia, the Majority Text Bible,
and the books of Ellen G. White in various languages,
to build up this online global fortress for the final conflict,
and make it possible for anyone, anywhere, if they so choose,
to be fully armed with these weapons of Truth,
and be connected to the church of their language easily on the spot,
unstoped by any forces that are hostile towards the Truth,
able to worship the Lord freely on every weekly sabbath.
Please contact us to have our full technical support:
Kieu Quoc Hung.
Phone: +84 983 658 399
Email: kieuq.hung@gmail.com
facebook: facebook.com/kieuquochung/
We will provide you with all the translation know-how
and the IT support that we can,
so you can easily take charge
of the work of evangelism to the people speaking your language,
as an independent ministry.
May we leave you with a few final words from the prophet of the Lord:
{Ellen G. White, the Southern Work, 89.2 – 89.4, 90.1}
‘… The Lord is wearied with the unbelief, selfishness, and covetousness of His people.
This has stood in the way of the advancement of His work.
Eighty thousand dollars, I understand, were invested in the sanitarium in Boulder,
pressing upon the heart of the work a heavier load of debt than was already there.
Did the Lord devise that work?
that amount of money was needed in India, in Australia, in the Southern field, in foreign fields,
that the Lord’s ministers might carry the message of truth
to places nigh which have never been worked,
and to places afar off.
The Lord is displeased with His people,
because they have worked at cross-purposes with Him.
Money has been invested in various conveniences and facilities
which the Lord never directed.
There is earnest work to be done,
but the money is consumed,
so that the will of God is not done.
My heart is sick and sore and distressed beyond measure.
May the Lord awaken His people, who are not yet half awake.
… My brother, walk humbly with God…
May the Lord give His people hearts of flesh, and not hearts of steel,
is my prayer.’
May we never work at cross-purposes with the Lord,
but ever in harmony with Him, together.
I. Before you join the Pioneeric SDA church and start paying your tithes to me: what does this ministry do with your tithes?
The purpose of this ministry in particular, and of the Pioneeric SDA church in general,
is ushering in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ upon this world.
And as presented in the lesson “who are the 144000?“, that event can only come
after the truths that the Lord gave to the Last True Church
which I have compiled into this Prophecy Encyclopedia for you to just finished studying
are preached unto the whole world until the 144,000 are filled up.
To accomplish this purpose, I gather the translators from different languages
to translate this Prophecy Encyclopedia into their respective languages, and take on the work of evangelizing to their people.
But these translators mostly were not coming from a business background like I am, neither do they own a farm.
Because it is extremely difficult to succeed in the work of the Lord and then still be able to make money to buy land and build a farm.
Therefore, I have taken upon myself the work of preparing shelters and farmland for them by my own means,
to fully provide them with food, water, electricity, internet and shelter, so they can focus in the work of the Lord.
The income of mine that comes from your tithes shall also be used for this work.
I hope, with the help of faithful believers such as yourself,
to soon be able to finish gathering the translators of the 17 languages that have more than 100 million speakers in the world,
to live and work at my farm in Vietnam,
and then I can soon acquire all the remaining translators to preach these truths to the whole world.
This is so you know CLEARLY that your tithes are being used for the correct work of the Lord.
II. What do I do if I don’t have the means to buy land and build a farm to face the coming “Mark of the Beast” decree forbidding buying and selling?
Don’t worry. I’ll show you how to attain an income of $10.000/month
after only 6-12 months of working hard.
And it’s not some scoundrel scam that creates no value
yet still claim the right to take home some cash,
like trading bitcoins or stocks, or some “buying cheap selling dear” dropshipping,
but by actual SKILLS,
by hard-working, value-creating LABOR.
These are very high-value mental work skills,
that are often used in sales and marketing,
which is the most highly paid department in a normal company
getting paid result-based and not hour-based,
and thus can reach incredibly high-income levels.
A freelancer who is good in one of these trades
can work online for 5 different companies in the US or Europe.
Each company needs only to pay that freelancer half the salary of a normal employee,
which is only about 2.000$/month,
and that person would easily earn more than $10.000/month.
Moreover, these skills are especially powerful
when used in the work of evangelism,
because they improve the ability to present the Truth to others.
The hardest thing about these career paths is finding the first client
when you have not yet had any experience or achievement whatsoever,
because no business owner would want to hire a novice
that would incur losses to his business.
You need experience and achievement to gain clients
But you need a client first to gain experience and achievement.
This is why about 90-95% of the people who learned these trades
never managed to have a first client.
And then most of those that managed to gain a first client
ended up causing losses to that client,
because they have never done this work before, how can they be good at it?
But I can help you overcome these 2 main obstacles
by providing you with the coaching that is much needed in the beginner’s phase
to help you find that first client
or even just GIVING YOU one of my clients, if I have a surplus,
to be your first client
and coach you until you can deliver GOOD results for that first client.
Thus, from that point onward,
You will be able to outreach to other clients
as an experienced freelancer who has delivered success to other business owners,
and strive to have enough clients after 6 months
to reach the $10.000/month income.
Contact me to receive all this help
but only when you satisfy all the following requirements:
1) You have given your life to the Lord entirely, being a totally surrendered Christian,
2) You have mastered the Prophecy Encyclopedia and obey all the Truths taught therein,
3) You have agreed to be baptized and have joined the Pioneeric SDA church,
4) You commit to give me 1h/day of your time, 6 days/week except the Sabbath, to help me coach those that shall come after you,
5) You commit to give me ALL the clients that you will not be working with directly – you will not give them to anyone else, but they shall be MY clients – so I can give them to the new students,
6) You commit, as much as within your capability, to receive the persecuted saints whom the Lord shall send to your farm and supply them with food and shelter, saving their lives from the Mark of the Beast decree forbidding buying and selling,
(many of whom shall receive the rest of the remaining truths through you
and become the last members of the 144.000, filling up the group
causing the second coming of the Lord to come upon the world),
7) You commit to give this ministry 10% of your total income before tax
in exchange for the help you shall receive,
so we can help others that shall come after you
(if you are NOT paying tithes to the Lord in this ministry,
you still have to agree to give an extra 10% of your total income before tax to us, in the form of free-will offerings, as OUR WAGES;
but if you are already paying tithes to the Lord directly in this ministry,
for the time being, we are giving out a special discount for this coaching service: it will be FOR FREE;
but even for our tithe payers who are getting this discount,
I would still recommend you make a personal covenant with the Lord
that if He gets your income to $10.000/month and beyond, you would give another free-will offering of at least 10% of your income before tax to this ministry monthly,
which will exclusively be used for the preaching of this Prophecy Encyclopedia.
Because if the Lord had saved your soul
and then even made arrangements to bring you into the top 1% earners of the world,
having a 6-figure income, meaning over 100.000$/year,
and you would not even manage to render Him an extra free-will offering that would at least equal your tithe,
in my opinion, that would be rather pathetic and somewhat shameful;
besides, this is just my hunch, but I have the feeling that if you make that covenant with Him, you somehow will get to $10.000/month much faster;
even so, it is up to you, I would not make it into another requirement
if you have already paid your tithes in this ministry).
If you do not satisfy all of these 7 requirements,
I refuse to serve you regarding this money-making campus,
and save my time and efforts for those who satisfy the requirements.
This shall be your road map:
The first month: study the trade and start finding clients.
The second month: start working as an apprentice
under my personal coaching, or that of one of my associates
for your first customer until you can do it well yourself.
From the third month, start outreaching to other clients,
and strive to attain enough clients within 6 months
to reach an income of $10.000/month.
Because the “Mark of the Beast” decree is already imminent,
meanwhile, fruit trees need years to start bearing fruits after planting,
so we have to make haste,
if you still want to finish buying land preparing your farm in time.
If the decree has arrived to your country
while you have not yet managed to acquire enough means to finish your preparation,
evacuate from your country immediately
you can come to Vietnam, my country, for example,
and you will have more time to work online and prepare,
instead of being stuck in your country and become a beggar,
a burden for the other saints.
I shall receive you as a brother in Christ.
I own a farmland in Dalat,
one of the twelve cities of eternal spring of the world,
where all four seasons are spring,
mild and pleasant to human health,
and ideal for growing food.
***Now on behalf of the ministry,
congratulations to you for finishing the Prophecy Encyclopedia!
However, there are still many things to learn ahead of you.
Click on “Spirit of Prophecy” in the menu bar on top of the website
to access the library of the prophet Ellen G. White’s inspired books which we are building,
or just click “next” to access directly
the first book of hers that you should read:
The Great Controversy (1911).