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Never before in his entire life did Jacob have to be this lonely, wretched and poor

– all because he was being greedy and deceitful.

First, Jacob took advantage of his twin older brother Esau’s hunger,

to lure him into selling off his birthright to Jacob.

So be it. It was Esau’s fault when he consented by his own free will to this deal.

But then, with his mother’s help,

Jacob even deceived his aged and blind father Isaac,

to steal away the blessing that he meant for Esau.

And now Jacob had to run for his life from his own home,

as the older brother who was continuously humiliated by him

had determined to take his life.

Jacob bowed down in tears,

realizing that all cunning trickeries are just destined to backfire.

Alone in the desert, with only a stick to defend himself and a rock as his pillow,

he wondered if he would ever see his parents again,

and whether or not God would forgive him.

Exhausted, Jacob fell asleep, and sunken in a most glorious vision:

a pillar of heavenly light was shining down upon a radiant stairway that extended from heaven to earth,

and countless angels were descending and ascending by that stairway.

Then Jacob heard the voice of God from above, promising to bless him still.

He even confirmed with Jacob the covenant He had established with Abraham and Isaac.

Awakened from the dream, Jacob kneeled down and determined to forsake his greedy and deceitful way with a most solemn vow:

“of all that Thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto Thee.” [01] Genesis 28:22.

God accepted this vow, opened the windows of heaven and poured down His blessings upon Jacob.

20 years later, when Jacob returned,

from an empty-handed man, he had become a wealthy tycoon

with a massive amount of properties, herds, servants, and over 10 sons,

with perhaps only a minor disaster: 4 wives (because with this asset any more than one would be a disaster).

1. From whence did Jacob learn to tithe?

At that time was the Mosaic ceremonial law even issued yet?

[01] Genesis 14:18-20 And Melchizedek… was the priest of the most high God.

And he blessed him, and said,

Blessed be Abram (Abraham) of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:

And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand.

And he gave him tithes of all.

Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, had set an example of devotion for his children many years ago

when he devoted the tithes to God through the priest appointed by Him: king Melchizedek.

And the devoting of the tithes later on became an official “contract” through the vow of Jacob to God in [01] Genesis 28:22,

hundreds of years before the law of Moses was given,

so it obviously was NOT a part of the Mosaic ceremonial law that ended at the cross.

The law of Moses later on only took this already-existing contract

and added a few extra rules about how to use and mobilize this flow of income.

2. How much of our income rightfully belongs to God?

[19] Psalm 24:1 Of YHWH is the earth, and the fulness thereof;

the world, and they that dwell therein.

YHWH is the Creator of both us and the planet Earth we are living in.

So 100% of our income rightfully belongs to Him.

Not only so, after we fell, He even consented to pay an extremely costly price

to ransom us back from the hands of the Devil.

Just these 2 facts alone were well sufficient for Him to own us twice.

However, He only asked that we demonstrate our acknowledgment to His supreme Lordship

by returning to Him – the King – a part of our income.

3. How much is that tax?

[03] Leviticus 27:30 And all the tithe… is of YHWH: it is holy unto YHWH.

The tax that citizens are obligated to return to God our King is the “tithe”, meaning 10% of our total income.

{Ellen G. White – Education – 138.4}

‘”Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse” (Malachi 3:10), is God’s command.

No appeal is made to gratitude or to generosity.

This is a matter of simple honesty.

The tithe is the Lord’s; and He bids us return to Him that which is His own.’

*Note: our responsibility to the Most High Creator

always precedes all other responsibilities to governments, tax and other secular agencies,

therefore the tithes that we are to submit to Him

are always the 10% of our income BEFORE tax and every other kind of fees.

4. To whom did God designate the tithes to, and for what purpose?

[04] Numbers 18:21, 23, 24 I have given the children of Levi

all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance,

for their service which they serve

among the children of Israel they have no inheritance.

But the tithes of the children of Israel,

which they offer as an heave offering unto the Lord,

I have given to the Levites to inherit.

[04] Numbers 18:26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them,

When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes

which I have given you from them for your inheritance,

then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the Lord,

even a tenth part of the tithe.

A very wise system was designed by the Lord here.

Of all the tribes, the tribe of Levites was the only one not receiving any farmland inheritance,

so that they would concentrate on the ministry,

serving God by teaching His way to His people,

helping them to lead righteous and fruitful lives.

Afterward, the Lord gave them the tithes as their wages.

And then, these ministers would also have to return to God a tithe of their income, just like their people.

5. Does God still appoint this system for His ministry in the New Testament?

[07] I Corinthians 9:13, 14 Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple,

and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?

Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

Just like the Levites who ministered to the priests in the Old Testament time are paid by the Lord’s tithe,

even so“, the ministers of the Gospel in the New Testament time,

who minister to our High Priest JESUS, are to be paid by His tithe.

And of course, just like the ministers of old had to return their tithes,

the modern-day ministers have to return 10% of their total income before tax also.

{Ellen G. White – Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 19, manuscript 82, 1904, par. 1, 2}

“The tithe is to be used for one purpose

– to sustain the ministers whom the Lord has appointed to do His work.

It is to be used to support those who speak the words of life to the people

and carry the burden of the flock of God.

But there are ministers who have been robbed of their wages.

God’s provision for them has not been respected.”

6. If the tithe can only be used to support those who teach the words of life,

to which teachers shall my tithe directly go to?

[03] Leviticus 7:9 All the meat offering… shall be the priest’s that offereth it.

They will be used as wages for those who had directly served you

– those who LABOURED to bring you into the full knowledge of the Truth to be saved.

And I’m not talking about the person who merely send you a link to a ministry of the Pioneeric SDA faith,

I’m talking about that ministry itself, and/or whoever actually took their time using its materials to LABOR and teach you the truths.

Your tithe is their wages, for the HARD WORK performed in service to you.

The hard work that brings results is what merits the payment.

As you read to this point, perhaps Satan might even whisper into your ears a certain doubt regarding the evangelist who brought these lessons to you,

that he might have been serving you for the tithes you will have to submit to him,

and not because he is sincerely seeking the salvation of your soul out of love.

But you need not wonder about his integrity,

because there is a way to find out the truth of the matter very easily.

A true evangelist working for the sake of love to save others and not for their tithes,

will always teach the believers to obey the Truth at all cost.

For example, he will tell you to keep the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments of God

even when that would cost you your job.

When willing to do hurt to your income to give faithful counsels,

he is in fact willing to do hurt to his own income, which comes from your tithes, to save your soul.

And that is definite proof that he really is working for the sake of love and not gain.

When everyone submits their tithes to the person who brought them into the full knowledge of the Truth to be saved,

automatically, all evangelists would then receive according to their own contributions to the cause of saving souls.

Whosoever works much will receive much,

whosoever works little will receive little,

whosoever works not will receive not.

I myself, who compiled these lessons, an evangelist of the Lord,

had to return my tithes to Him at the ministry that brought me into the full knowledge of the Truth,

and was not allowed to give it to my own ministry.

The law is the law.

Our tithes are to be submitted to the faithful servant of the Lord who served us.

That is their wages, appointed by the Lord, for serving us.

We are not permitted to keep back the tithes even for the other works of the Lord.

{Ellen G. White – Manuscripts Releases, vol. 1, 188.7}

“Many ministers are lying in their graves,

brought there by sorrow and disappointment,

and by the hardship brought upon them

because they did not receive sufficient for their labors.”

It is because the financial system of the Lord is built upon an unchangeable PRINCIPLE

that any organization has to respect in order to succeed:

reward must be according to contribution“,

a principle of justice and fairness,

not only must it still apply, but it is even critical to the success of the work of evangelism:

it forces each minister to be accountable for the ministry he is in charge of by his own income,

to really devote himself to the work of helping and teaching the people accurately,

or his own income will be cut off.

[07] I Corinthians 9:9, 10 For it is written in the law of Moses,

thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn.

Doth God take care for oxen? 

Or saith he it altogether for our sakes?

For our sakes, no doubt, this is written:

that he that ploweth should plow in hope;

and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church, vol 7, 290.2}

“These faithful laborers, who for Christ’s sake have given up worldly prospects,

choosing poverty rather than pleasure or riches;

who, forgetful of self, have labored earnestly to win souls to Christ;

who have given liberally to advance various enterprises in the cause of God,

and have then sunk down in the battle,

wearied and ill, and with no means of support,

must not be left to struggle on in poverty and suffering,

or to feel that they are paupers.

When sickness or infirmity comes upon them,

let not our workers be burdened with the anxious query:

‘What will become of my wife and little ones,

now that I can no longer labor and supply their necessities?’”

The tithe of a believer must be submitted to the person

who was the Lord’s instrument to bring that believer into the full knowledge of the Truth,

to be the wage for him to continue his work of seeking out other souls,

to support him as he served the Lord

to exhaustion, sickness, old age, imprisonment, and even death or martyrdom,

leaving behind his wife and children, his aged parents, or any other dependent.

All these arrangements of the Lord are so obviously wise,

ensuring the reward to be according to contribution,

so reasonable that it allows His servant to peacefully face even death

and not worry about the dependents who are left behind.

But the modern churches of today, lacking wisdom in the science of management,

but thinking themselves wise anyway,

have replaced this financial system of the Lord with another system of their own invention:

fixed salary for all ministers,

while all the tithes and offerings will be collected by the denomination’s headquarters.

Firstly, this unbiblical policy basically is a message to all ministers:

the church organization is the one paying you,

therefore even in the case that the church is going contrary to the Word of God,

if you do not choose supreme loyalty to the church,

your income will be cut off!

And the result is that they are enslaved to their denominational headquarters

to withstand anything that goes against their denomination’s beliefs,

even when they are sound biblical truths sent by the Lord.

The more apostate and corrupted a church is,

the more its leaders seek to centralize all money and power unto themselves

to control the ministers’ conscience in the place of the Lord, to resist His leading.

Secondly, this SOCIALIST policy is the very breeder of laziness in the work of evangelism.

Of course! If good results and bad results bring the same salary, why even bother trying?

Meanwhile, the ministries that have the highest growth in the church,

which should have received even more money to thrive,

would be stripped of their financial resources,

which the faithful ministers in charge of them could have used to develop them.

The churches that apply this foolish financial policy

therefore have been present in gigantic cities of millions of people for hundreds of years,

still forever staying at a few hundred converts.

Maybe these times of ignorance in the past God had winked at ([05] Acts 17:30),

but now with the ever-increasing light that we ought to be progressing in,

we are called upon to repent of this foolishness.

{Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, 112.2}

‘When the people of God are growing in grace,

they will be constantly obtaining a clearer understanding of His word.

They will discern new light and beauty in its sacred truths.

This has been true in the history of the church in all ages,

and thus it will continue to the end.’

The people thus have to learn to be responsible and wise tithe payers.

Talk to the leaders of your church so that they can change.

If they refuse to repent, find places that respect the Bible and the Lord’s financial system,

that teach His truths accurately,

that help His people lead righteous and fruitful lives,

and pay your tithe there.

The truth about the Lord’s financial system, once it is spread, will:

1) Shatter the financial chains that the apostate churches use

to bind their ministers in blind loyalty to them

even when they are going against the Truth,

moving the ministers’ supreme loyalty back to their Lord.

2) Stimulate the workers of the Lord to work harder,

convert many lazy workers that we have nowadays,

who are loyal to the church even when it is going against God’s Word,

into hard-working workers loyal to the Truth, aggressive in the work of saving souls.

3) Reallocate the Lord’s resources from the lazy and useless ministers,

from the apostate churches that teach heresies – should they still refuse to repent –

to the true servants of God, faithful in His service,

and the ministries that teach His truths accurately.

In these last days, the Reformation that calls men to return to the Word of God

most assuredly cannot be executed without the restoration of His old financial system,

as one of the primary pillars of His work.

Under this financial system, the wages of the workers of God will only depend upon 2 things:

<1> how many people did they actually manage to save and bring into the full knowledge of the Truth,

and <2> do they teach all the truths of the Bible accurately,

or will they give their converts a good reason to submit their tithes elsewhere.

{Ellen G. White, Manuscripts 149, 1899, par. 6}

“The tithe should go to those who labor in word and doctrine, be they men or women.”

By the way, the Pioneeric SDA church never had any female pastor,

so the “women” who are to be paid by tithes in this statement couldn’t even be pastors.

So whether they be men or women, pastors or not,

whosoever taught the truths of God’s Word accurately to others,

shall have the right to receive tithes for wages.

With the Lord’s financial system being respected and obeyed,

guaranteeing rewards according to contribution for everyone,

even lay people would be encouraged to become professional evangelists.

7. Does the tithe only compass the income from agricultural works,

while those who are of other occupations are not liable to pay tithe?

[01] Genesis 28:22 Of all that Thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto Thee.

Ever since the paying of tithes became the official contract

between God and the father of all Israelites, including us the spiritual Jews ([06] Romans 2:29),

it had already included “all” income that God would give,

and not just the income from agricultural lines as some people supposed.

This is why even since the time of the Old Testament,

there was no way someone could be exempt from paying tithes

just because he didn’t work in agricultural lines,

let alone the New Testament time!

Like the merchants, they still would have to return 10% of their profit to the Lord just like everyone else.

Some people suggest that only farmers and shepherds are to pay tithes,

while the workers of every other line are exempt (?!).

This view is just simply erroneous.

Even before quoting [01] Genesis 28:22,

one can simply exercise the simple virtue of the brain called “common sense”

to see clearly how totally absurd, unjust and foolish this view is.

No marvel.

Because there is nothing that can sink men in foolishness faster and more completely

than a sin-loving heart that is disobedient to right.

Only those whose aim is to steal the Lord’s tithes from Him at all cost,

would so quickly take hold of a Bible-twisting reasoning

so plainly against all sense of fairness such as this.

8. If the tithes were given by the Lord to His ministers as wages,

would it be ok to submit them in places that are willfully preaching heresies contrary to His Word and causing people to sin?

[08] II Corinthians 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,

transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

[03] Leviticus 19:17 Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.

[04] John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

The Lord JESUS had plainly declared unto us

that the ability to recognize His voice and follow

is one of the foremost identifications to determine

whether or not a person is really His sheep.

If a minister teaches errors unknowingly,

when you speak the Truth to him in love,

he will recognize the voice of the Lord, accept the Truth, and adjust his teachings.

In that case, he would still be a true servant of God,

wholeheartedly loyal to Him according to the light he had received,

and would still be worthy of his wages.

However, if a person or an organization teaches errors,

after receiving corrections would still refuse to repent,

not even listening to the corrections,

especially for reasons like personal benefits, position in churches…

then it would be a totally different story.

In this case, the people should seek out another place

that teaches the Word of God accurately, to be built up there

and submit their tithes to the true servants of God who serve them,

not suffering the means to fall into the hands of those

who would use them to spread lying heresies contrary to the Bible.

That a ministry or a church would willfully oppose the Lord

is the ONLY good reason for the people to submit their tithes elsewhere.

Apart from this reason, if a ministry or a church is still faithfully serving the Lord,

follow Him with all their hearts according to the light they have received,

those who were taught the truths of God’s Word by them

are to submit their tithes to those who served them,

and are not allowed to submit their tithes elsewhere.

So when we saw an exceptional and faithful evangelist arise,

who saved and brought many people into the full knowledge of the Truth and thus have a high income,

let us not be jealous or discontent according to the inspiration of Satan, but instead, rejoice!

For a new champion of Truth has been raised up,

and the work of the Lord is prospering!

Maybe in the world, when someone gets rich by honest labor,

their mindset would be: “This person made a billion dollars!

Let him be taxed heavily so what he earns is transferred to other people.”

But in the Lord the mindset is completely opposite: “This person made a billion dollars!

Let us even encourage him so that next year,

he can make two billions by his honest labor,

and contribute even more to the community.”

According to JESUS, it is: “Unto every one which hath shall be given;

and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.” [03] Luke 19:26.

If a faithful evangelist, by the grace of God,

managed to score huge success in the work he was given and thus earned a high income,

he would STILL have to give an account to Him for every penny he spent,

and about whether or not he still maintained strict economy

to save as much as possible means for His work

– no different from any other rich person in the Lord.

The responsibility to ever be inquiring the Lord

where He wants to direct the means He has given them to,

is the personal business of each person with Him.

As for us, we need only to strictly follow the simple principle:

whoever is the servant of God that brought us into the full knowledge of the Truth,

at that person shall we submit our tithes to the Lord.

{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church, vol. 8, 142.3}

“Worthy, efficient workers should receive reasonable wages for their labor,

and they should be left to exercise their own judgment as to the use they make of their wages.”

9. What did JESUS say about tithing?

[01] Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

For ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin,

and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith:

these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

At first glance we might think that JESUS was denouncing the Pharisees for tithing, but no.

He was rebuking them because while they knew to tithe even the mint and anise so meticulously,

they omitted judgment, mercy, and faith.

It is the omission of these fundamental principles of God that was being denounced here.

That is why JESUS said: “these ought ye to have done (tithing), and not to leave the other undone (judgment, mercy, faith).”

10. Some people quoted the Lord JESUS in [01] Matthew 17:26 “then are the children free”

to say that since in the New Testament Christians are the children of God,

we are exempt from tax and do not have to pay tithes like in the Old Testament.

What does the Word of God say regarding this reasoning?

[05] Deuteronomy 14:1 You are the children of YHWH your God.

The book of [05] Deuteronomy, a book clearly from the Old Testament,

has declared plainly that those who believe in the Lord were called the children of God even since that time!

The Old Testament believers didn’t have to wait until the New Testament to be called such!

And the Lord still demanded that they pay tithes, didn’t He?

What then is the meaning of [01] Matthew 17:26,

and the entire story behind [01] Matthew 17:24-27?

Very simple: only the BEGOTTEN of the king would be exempt from tax.

This policy does not at all apply to the adopted children!

Lord JESUS was the only being that has the right to be exempt from paying tax to His Father

(the tax that was collected in this passage was temple tax – clearly said in [01] Matthew 17:24).

BUT, “lest we should offend them” (verse 27),

even JESUS consented to pay this tax that He was exempt,

just so no one can ever quote His example of not paying tax as the excuse to evade it!

Once we read the whole passage,

its true meaning immediately shines forth,

and even disproves the idea that “JESUS taught us we don’t have to pay tax because we are children of the King”.

By His own example, our Lord had cut off all excuses

that erring mortals can cling to as justifications to steal from His Father.

11. Besides the tithes, does God permit us to offer anything else?

[19] Psalm 96:8 Give unto YHWH the glory due unto His name:

bring an offering, and come into His courts.

[20] Proverbs 3:9 Honour YHWH with thy substance,

and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.

[21] Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 When thou vowest a vow unto God,

defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools:

pay that which thou hast vowed.

Better is it that thou shouldest not vow,

than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.

[08] II Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;

not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

{Revised Declaration of the Fundamental Principles Taught & Practiced by the Seventh-day Adventists, Yearbook 1889}

‘XVI – That means for the support of evangelical work among men

should be contributed from love to God and love of souls,

not raised by church lotteries,

or occasions designed to contribute to the fun-loving, appetite-indulging propensities of the sinner,

such as fairs, festivals, oyster suppers, tea, broom, donkey, and crazy socials, etc.,

which are a disgrace to the professed church of Christ;

that the proportion of one’s income required in former dispensation can be no less under the gospel;

that it is the same as Abraham (whose children we are, if we are Christ’s, Gal. 3:29)

paid to Melchisedec (type of Christ) when he gave him a tenth of all (Heb. 7:1-4);

the tithe is the Lord’s (Lev. 27:30);

and this tenth of one’s income is also to be supplemented by offerings from those who are able,

for the support of the gospel. 2 Cor. 9:6; Mal. 3:8, 10.’

God does permit us to bring offerings to Him.

The offerings have to be completely voluntary,

coming from a sincere and cheerful heart of gratitude,

and not from being forced, or it will be worthless in the sight of God.

Many people offer gifts unto God not due to their sincere affection for Him,

but from greediness, seeking personal gain,

will not be accepted and blessed by Him either.

{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church, vol. 6, 384.4}

“Besides the tithe the Lord demands the FIRST FRUITS of all our increase.

These He has reserved in order that His work in the earth may be amply sustained.

The Lord’s servants are not to be limited to a meager supply.

His messengers should not be handicapped in their work of holding forth the word of life.

As they teach the truth they should have means to INVEST for the advancement of the work,

which must be done at the right time in order to have the best and most saving influence.

Deeds of mercy must be done; the poor and suffering must be aided.

GIFTS and OFFERINGS should be appropriated for this purpose.

Especially in new fields, where the standard of truth has never yet been uplifted, this work must be done.

If all the professed people of God, both old and young, would do their duty,

there would be no dearth in the treasury.

If all would pay a faithful tithe and devote to the Lord the first fruits of their increase,

there would be a full supply of funds for His work.

But the law of God is not respected or obeyed,

and this has brought a pressure of want.”

So what exactly is the first fruit of all our increase?

It is the firstborn of our cattle,

the first ripe wheat on the field and the first ripe fruit in a garden of a harvest.

It could also be the income of the first working day of the month,

or the first week of a new job or a new year.

Basically, it is the first income of a series of income that the Lord is giving us,

offered to Him beforehand to thank Him,

trusting that He will bless the rest of the remaining income.

Let each person calculate for himself what the first fruits of his increase are,

according to the willingness of his heart under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit,

and offer to the Lord his gifts and offerings.

Unlike the tithes that must be submitted to those who served us directly (unless they are rebelling against the Lord),

our free will offerings can be sent to any project or support any ministry

that the Lord shows us to be worthy and are in need of means.

12. What blessings did God promise His children when they faithfully paid tithes and offerings?

[39] Malachi 3:10Prove Me now herewith, saith YHWH of hosts,

if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing,

that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

This is the official declaration: we cannot prevail against God in giving,

cannot give to Him more than the blessings He poured down upon us,

and no, it’s not just about money merely.

Money is only one of the many things we need,

and the truth is our happiness doesn’t even demand too much of it,

that we should be craving for it the way many of us are craving now.

There are indeed many other blessings, IMPORTANT blessings, to crave.

When God opens the windows of heaven,

the blessings that He poured down include health, peace, answered prayers,

angelic protection against accidents, plagues and temptations,

a loving family centered around the Lord, taught and trained by our own example to be devoted to Him,

a wise mind and clear spiritual eyesight to discern the true nature of things that are happening,

success in evangelism, a closer relationship with the Lord, etc…

All these are blessings so much more important, even critical, to true happiness in life,

that we should be craving for much more than mere money.

Money we may need, but only to a certain point, which our characters are firm enough to handle:

just enough so that we would still know to practice self-denial and economy

to save means and devote them to the Lord’s work, and not fall into extravagance.

Pass that point and it’s harmful to have more money.

Now if we really love the Lord,

devotion to His cause of seeking and saving those who are lost would not be a burden,

but will be recognized as it truly is:

an honor and blessing that we are allowed to partake with the holiest joy.

Some modern-day Christians however, have a very strange mindset:

“Whatever command of the Lord that the New Testament does not specify again,

even if it was declared plainly in the Old Testament, we will not do it.”

And then they lean on the excuse that the New Testament does not take time and space

to describe again in detail the system of tithes and offerings that was stated clearly in the Old Testament

to refuse to pay tax – which is a legal responsibility of all citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven to the King.

This is an erroneous mindset, because if it were true, why even bother reading the Old Testament?

Whatever command of the Lord that the Old Testament has declared,

the New Testament doesn’t have to repeat it, we will do it“,

is the correct mindset of Bible Christians.

Unless, of course, whatever we no longer have to do,

for example, circumcision of the flesh is no longer required,

the New Testament will declare plainly.

All curses for the disobedient and all blessings for the obedient in regard to tithes and offerings,

which God declared since the Old Testament time,

are still completely intact in the New Testament time for us.

[39] Malachi 3:11 I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes,

and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground;

neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith YHWH of hosts.

{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church, vol. 6, 388.3}

“Satan is the destroyer.

God cannot bless those who refuse to be faithful stewards.

All He can do is to permit Satan to accomplish his destroying work.

We see calamities of every kind and in every degree coming upon the earth, and why?

The Lord’s restraining power is not exercised.

The world has disregarded the word of God.

They live as though there were no God.”

The only way to subdue Satan from damaging our works,

is that we must be obedient and faithful to the Lord.

Then He will exercise His power on our behalf and subdue the devil for us.

Without His restraining power over our enemy,

everything we do is under the great and constant risk

of being burned down to the ground and reduced to zero,

while it could have even thrived under the positive blessings of God if only we were faithful.

13. There is a test that Adam and Eve had failed,

but we must pass in order to inherit the Kingdom of God,

what is it?

[01] Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:

for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

God had told Adam and Eve that they could eat from any tree in the garden,

except one – the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

They are not permitted to eat from that tree, or they will die.

However, God did not set up an electric fence around the tree,

but He left it right there within their reach

and they can take it if they want to disobey.

And that’s exactly what they did,

because they did not trust God and had stolen from their own Father.

Nowadays, God gave all of us the same test.

We get to keep all the income that our Father gives us,

except the part He had plainly declared to be His.

However, once again, He left it right within our reach.

We can return it to Him,

or we can take it if we want to steal from our Father, just like Adam and Eve.

In fact, no matter if it is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,

or the tithes and offerings, or whatever,

God never really needs them, because He is the Owner of All,

possessing the power to create everything from nothing!

Both the tree and the means that belong to God

are just a test of love, loyalty and integrity, a game of faith and character.

14. Which of the Ten Commandments are we breaking

when we withhold the tithes and offerings that should have been returned unto Him?

[02] Exodus 20:15 Thou shalt not steal.

[39] Malachi 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me.

But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.

God regards those who are willfully unfaithful in tithes and offerings to be stealing from Him.

It is bad enough that men should steal from men.

Yet some professed children of God would even be so daring

as to steal from Him who is both their King, their Father, and their Most High God.

This is so incomprehensible:

how could the very people that were saved from perdition through the tithes and offerings of others,

be trespassing on the very means that our Father had appointed to do that work?!

Where would you be, if the tithes and offerings that saved you

were not faithfully returned by those before you?

The truth is: nothing is ever for free.

You got to hear the Gospel for free,

because some other people have already paid for you to get to hear these truths.

That’s why tithes and offerings, although officially the wages of the evangelist that served you,

in reality are not even the fees you pay for your own service that you received,


The means you contribute, on the other hand, are the fees you pay for those who shall come AFTER YOU,

so that they can get to hear the Gospel for free just like you have.

When you are being unfaithful in returning these means to God,

you were, and are, and will still be served (fees have already been paid),

but you rob away from those who come after you

the chance to hear salvational truths for free, just like the chance you received.

Most, if not all trickeries of Satan, were designed by him to deceive people

into breaking one of the Ten Commandments of God, and thus be lost.

The trinity heresy is to deceive people into breaking the 1st commandment.

The false sabbath sunday is to deceive people into breaking the 4th commandment.

Masturbation and pornography are to deceive people into habits of self-abuse and committing adultery in the heart,

breaking the 6th and the 7th commandment.

Likewise, Satan’s attack on the duty to pay tithes and offerings is no different

– an effort to trick people into breaking the 8th commandment “thou shalt not steal”,

to be more specific: stealing means from God,

and stealing the opportunities to hear the Truth to receive salvation from those who would have come after you –

the worst thing that they could ever be robbed.

Unfortunately, many modern evangelists are helping the Devil

by ignoring, or even by preaching against the Lord’s financial system,

which He appointed for the purpose of saving souls,

even after they have received the testimonies of Lord JESUS Himself,

given through His prophet, regarding this matter.

{Ellen G. White – Gospel Workers 1915 – 369.3, 370.1}

“A laborer should never leave some portion of the work undone because it is not agreeable to perform,

thinking that the minister coming next will do it for him.

When this is the case, if a second minister follows the first,

and presents the claims that God has upon His people, some draw back, saying,

“The minister who brought us the truth did not mention these things.”

And they become offended because of the word.

Some refuse to accept the tithing system;

they turn away, and no longer walk with those who believe and love the truth.

When other lines are opened before them, they answer,

“It was not so taught us,” and they hesitate to move forward.

How much better it would have been if the first messenger of truth

had faithfully and thoroughly educated these converts in regard to all essential matters,

even if fewer had been added to the church under his labors.

God would be better pleased to have six thoroughly converted to the truth

than to have sixty make a profession and yet not be truly converted.

It is part of the minister’s work to teach those who accept the truth through his efforts,

to bring the tithe to the storehouse, as an acknowledgment of their dependence upon God.

The new converts should be fully enlightened as to their duty to return to the Lord His own.

The command to pay tithe is so plain that there is no semblance of excuse for disregarding it.

He who neglects to give instruction on this point, leaves undone a most important part of his work.”

If the financial system of the Lord is strictly obeyed,

there would not be any faithful evangelist plunged into want,

nor would the work of the Lord ever be sunken in stagnation.

But the reality is that most professed Christians are transgressors of the commandment “thou shalt not steal” on this particular point.

If their minister is faithful and lifted his voice to rebuke their sins,

they would “repay” him by stealing tithes.

If their minister preaches only smooth things,

they would not submit their tithes either,

because they have not repented of their sins and surrendered to the Lord,

so why even bother returning tithes?!

Which is why evangelism is one of the poorest professions.

Many faithful evangelists often have to work extra jobs to sustain themselves and their families.

Behold the greatest evangelist in the history of mankind – JESUS Christ –

and see how “rich” He was during His sojourn on earth:

“richer” than the foxes and the birds!

Those who said that this career is quick to get rich,

simply do not know what they’re talking about,

nor have they ever tried it.

They look at a few scoundrels posing as Gospel ministers

to trick people into giving them undue money to spend for themselves,

and then equalize all faithful and self-denying servants of God,

who even endure pinching want to devote more money to the work of saving souls,

to be the same with these deceivers.

Many of the people who would slander the servants of God thus,

did so only to justify their sin of stealing from the Lord –

the kind of justification that would never be accepted by Him.

Those who have not prepared themselves

to endure the ungratefulness of men with a loving and selfless heart,

and have not committed their lives to humility, economy and hard work,

cannot be a true evangelist.

15. What does God say about those who deliberately rob Him of tithes and offerings?

[39] Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

[07] I Corinthians 6:9-10 Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,

nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous,

nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,

shall inherit the kingdom of God.

[19] Hebrew 3:10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation,

and said, They do alway err in their heart.

God perhaps felt very much like a father whose children stole money from his wallet.

The loss of the money is not the issue here,

but it is the dishonesty and ungratefulness of the children that caused Him the greatest grief.

Those who knowingly be unfaithful in tithes and offerings are under a curse,

and unless they repent, they will be shut out of the Kingdom of God just like those who steal.

Remember this principle: a blessed 9/10, even minus the first fruit offerings, would still be more than a cursed 10/10.

{Ellen G. White – Testimonies for the church, vol. 4, 233.3, 234.2}

“In this age of darkness and error, men who profess to be followers of Christ

seem to think that they are at liberty to receive or reject the servants of the Lord at pleasure

and that they will not be called to an account for so doing.

Unbelief and darkness lead them to this.

Their sensibilities are blunted by their unbelief.

They violate their consciences and become untrue to their own convictions

and weaken themselves in moral power.

They view others in the same light with themselves.

… They will scourge with the tongue of slander and falsehood.

They will criticize, and turn against the servant of God the very efforts he is leading them to make.

They will, with their EVIL SURMISINGS,

see fraud and dishonesty where all is right and where perfect integrity exists.


when He Himself is leading them,

and when they would give even their lives if God required,

if by so doing they could advance His cause.

They who have done the least, and made the least investment in the cause of truth,

are the most forward to express lack of faith in the integrity of the servants of God

who are placed in a position to bear financial responsibilities in the great work.

They who have confidence in the work of God

are willing to venture something for its advancement,

and their spiritual prosperity will be in proportion to their works of faith.”

16. Why is greed so dangerous?

[03] Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Greed is NOT good, but rather extremely dangerous,

because our hearts are always where our treasure is.

If most of our possessions are laid up in Heaven

through our sacrifices and devotion to the Lord and His work,

our hearts will set on our glorious inheritance in the immortal Kingdom of the Lord,

to be filled with love and all noble traits of characters,

willing to sacrifice self to bring more people into that Kingdom.

On the other hand, if what we have laid up are only this world’s money and properties,

our hearts will cling to them tenaciously, to be greedy and wicked.

Never forget that it is Judah’s greed that led him to betray the Lord JESUS just for 30 pieces of silver ([01] Matthew 26:14-16).

17. In fact, what is the first and most important thing that God wants us to give to Him?

[20] Proverbs 23:26 My son, give me thine heart,

and let thine eyes observe my ways.

The number one thing that the God of Love wants from us,

is none other than sincere Love with all our hearts.

Paying tithes really is just the most basic thing,

of kindergarten level, for those who are newborns in the Lord.

To those who are mature in Him,

their game becomes an entire devotion of heart, mind, spirit, work,

and even life itself if necessary, to the Lord and His work.

To the mature, being faithful in tithes and offerings

is only the very minimum fruit of righteousness

of someone who has given his heart to the Lord.

Many of us are used to wasting the Lord’s means for unnecessary extravagances,

even sinful and harmful things, while those means should have been offerings to Him.

Regarding this, let us behold some young children of the Lord,

whose parents gave them some money for ice cream,

who would exercise self-denial and devote that ice cream money as an offering to the Lord!

Now THAT is devotion.

That is a perfect example of a heart entirely devoted to Him,

and truly, those children were offering to the Lord more

than all the excess abundance of means that the rich have been offering to Him.

Only when offerings start to require self-denial,

can the gold of faith and love in the heart be polished and shine forth its glitter for the glory of God.

{Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, 206.2 – 206.3}

“Many despise economy, confounding it with stinginess and narrowness.

But economy is consistent with the broadest liberality.

Indeed, without economy, there can be no true liberality.

We are to save, that we may give.

No one can practice real benevolence without self-denial.”

{Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers 92, 358.2}

“Those who have not habits of economy should learn the lesson at once.


Some neglect this work as nonessential; but this is wrong.

All expenses should be accurately stated.”

Do you know who noted down all of his expenses and earnings?

John D. Rockefeller. The richest American of all time.

His fortune was equal to 1.5% GDP of the entire US.

That, in 2023, would be equivalent to about $410 billion. Richer than even Elon Musk.

The habit of accurately chronicling all cash inflow and outflow

is one of the must-have skills for personal financial management.

If the successful businessmen and businesswomen of the world,

those who don’t even know the Lord,

know how to teach this skill to their children,

what excuse do we, the children of God,

have for not knowing this so important skill

that the Lord had instructed through His prophet?

{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church, vol. 5, 400.1 – 400.2}

“No one should think it beneath him to study economy

and the best means of taking care of the fragments.

Said Christ, after He had performed a notable miracle:

‘Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.’

… The cause of God lay so near the heart of the pioneers in this message

that they seldom took a meal at a hotel,

even though the cost was but twenty-five cents each.

But young men and women generally are not educated to economize,

and waste follows waste everywhere.

In some families there is a wicked waste

of enough to support another family if reasonable economy were used.



While they may not be called upon to deprive themselves of warm meals,

as the early workers did in their itinerant life,

they may learn to supply their real wants with less expense than they now think necessary.

There are persons who practice self-denial in order to give means to the cause of God;

then let the workers in the cause also practice self-denial

by limiting their expenses as far as possible.”

18. What event is about to take place, that would turn all the money of the saints into a pile of worthless trash?

[27] Revelation 13:17 no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,

or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Once the decree “the Mark of the Beast” is issued forth,

banning all the saints who keep the Commandments of God from buying and selling,

no property will be able to be sold off to devote to the work of the Lord,

and all money would be no more than a worthless heap of trash to the saints, and cannot be used by them.

{Ellen G. White, Early Writings, 56.3, 57.1}

“Houses and lands will be of no use to the saints in the time of trouble,

for they will then have to flee before infuriated mobs,

and at that time their possessions cannot be disposed of to advance the cause of present truth.

I was shown that it is the will of God that the saints should cut loose from every encumbrance before the time of trouble comes,

and make a covenant with God through sacrifice.

If they have their property on the altar and earnestly inquire of God for duty,

He will teach them when to dispose of these things.

Then they will be free in the time of trouble and have no clogs to weigh them down.

I saw that if any held on to their property and did not inquire of the Lord as to their duty,

He would not make duty known, and they would be permitted to keep their property,

and in the time of trouble it would come up before them like a mountain to crush them,

and they would try to dispose of it, but would not be able.”

Once the Mark of the Beast is issued,

should we have any extra property that we don’t really need,

we will no longer be able to cash them out and devote the sales to the Lord’s work.

And we won’t be needing any more land and houses than the amount just enough

to provide food and shelter for us and the saints whom the Lord shall send our way.

The land and extra properties that cannot be used for the Lord,

would all be counted as a talent buried under the earth,

not yielding any increase for Him.

[01] Matthew 25:28, 30 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents…

And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness:

there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

There is only one way forward for us in this matter:

be ready always to lay everything we have on the altar before the Lord,

ever inquiring Him WHEN to dispose HOW MUCH, for what work,

so that whenever His cause demands it, we are ready to answer the call.

19. Being faithful in tithes and offerings, devoted to the cause of saving souls

are the practical demonstrations of our love for God and His Son JESUS Christ our Lord,

and our gratefulness for the great sacrifices They’ve made for us.

If you deem this ministry to really be of the Lord,

and has been His instrument to bring you into the full knowledge of the Truth,

serving you His truths accurately and faithfully,

you can choose this ministry as the place to devote your tithes and offerings to the Lord.

It would tremendously help the spreading of these truths to others.

On the other hand, if you deem another ministry of the Lord to be the one directly serving you

and/or more worthy of your investment, render the means to them,

but whether you send it to them or to this ministry,

send it still and do not keep back the means of the Lord to yourself.

To send the tithes and offerings devoted to the Lord at this ministry, click on the link “Donate” at the end of the menu bar on top of the website, or just send the means to the following bank account:

VPbank (Vietnam)
Account no.: 161775282

Or via this Paypal account:

Or into this following crypto currency LiteCoin (LTC) account – please inform us when you send the means so that we can sell off the Coins and change them to cash, so that the means are not affected by the fluctuation of the Coin:


While we’re at it, you should learn how to use crypto-currencies for transactions,

as they are one the cheapest ways to transfer means internationally, capable of bypassing all restrictions, even of communist regimes,

and can only be prohibited if ALL NATIONS have prohibited them, when the Mark of the Beast decree engulfs the entire world.

Thus crypto-currencies will probably be the last means of buying and selling that will be taken from the saints.

And among them, especially durable are the gold-based coins, as their value is pegged to gold and cannot be crashed by governments.

You can visit remitano.com for example, to set up your account for crypto-currency transactions.

May the Lord richly bless you for your faithfulness, according to His own words:

[39] Malachi 3:10Prove Me now herewith, saith YHWH of hosts,

if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing,

that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”


A few words to the brethren who sell insurance.

Insurance can be a good product for those without the Lord,

people who have refused to believe the Truth,

have no divine protection over their lives,

and are not contributing the means they were given for His work.

To them, the coverage of insurance could be somewhat beneficial,

and the means they are holding can be transferred into the ranks of those who serve the Lord

through the brethren who are selling insurance.

So if you do sell it, sell it to those outside.

Don’t seek to sell insurance to the believers in the Last True Church.

Those who obeyed the lights of health and godly living that the Lord has given

will not only have His protection in all emergencies,

but also will have a much better health in general compared to the disobedient.

That they should share the risk with those who are rebelling against the Lord through insurance,

put them in great disadvantage,

not to mention other bad spiritual consequences,

like the leaking of means that should have been devoted to the Lord’s work.

{Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the church, vol. 1, 549.2 – 550.3}

Chapter 96 – Life Insurance

I was shown that Sabbathkeeping Adventists should not engage in life insurance.

This is a commerce with the world which God does not approve.

Those who engage in this enterprise are uniting with the world,

while God calls His people to come out from among them and to be separate.

Said the angel: “Christ has purchased you by the sacrifice of His life.

‘What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,

which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.’

‘For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

When Christ, who is your life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.’”

Here is the only life insurance which heaven sanctions. {1T 549.2}

Life insurance is a worldly policy which leads our brethren who engage in it

to depart from the simplicity and purity of the gospel.

Every such departure weakens our faith and lessens our spirituality.

Said the angel: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;

that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

As a people we are in a special sense the Lord’s.

Christ has bought us. Angels that excel in strength surround us.

Not a sparrow falls to the ground without the notice of our heavenly Father.

Even the hairs of our head are numbered.

God has made provision for His people.

He has a special care for them,

and they should not distrust His providence by engaging in a policy with the world. {1T 550.1}

God designs that we should preserve in simplicity and holiness our peculiarity as a people.

Those who engage in this worldly policy invest means which belong to God,

which He has entrusted to them to use in His cause, to advance His work.

But few will realize any returns from life insurance,

and without God’s blessing even these will prove an injury instead of a benefit.

Those whom God has made His stewards have no right

to place in the enemy’s ranks the means which He has entrusted to them to use in His cause. {1T 550.2}

Satan is constantly presenting inducements to God’s chosen people

to attract their minds from the solemn work of preparation for the scenes just in the future.

He is in every sense of the word a deceiver, a skillful charmer.

He clothes his plans and snares with coverings of light borrowed from heaven.

He tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit

by making her believe that she would be greatly advantaged thereby.

Satan leads his agents to introduce various inventions and patent rights and other enterprises,

that Sabbathkeeping Adventists who are in haste to be rich may fall into temptation,

become ensnared, and pierce themselves through with many sorrows.

He is wide awake, busily engaged in leading the world captive,

and through the agency of worldlings he keeps up a continual pleasing excitement

to draw the unwary who profess to believe the truth to unite with worldlings.

The lust of the eye, the desire for excitement and pleasing entertainment,

is a temptation and snare to God’s people.

Satan has many finely woven, dangerous nets which are made to appear innocent,

but with which he is skillfully preparing to infatuate God’s people.

There are pleasing shows, entertainments, phrenological lectures,

and an endless variety of enterprises constantly arising

calculated to lead the people of God to love the world and the things that are in the world.

Through this union with the world, faith becomes weakened,

and means which should be invested in the cause of present truth are transferred to the enemy’s ranks.

Through these different channels Satan is skillfully draining the purses of God’s people,

and for it the displeasure of the Lord is upon them. {1T 550.3}

The next lesson will talk about one of the most signature lights

which the Lord has given to us through His prophet Ellen G. White:

healthcare and nutritional science,

which propelled us to the pinnacle position of the world regarding healthcare

and made us one of the five longest-living groups of people on the planet.

Click “next” to seize the prophetic secrets

that will boost effectiveness and quality of life through the roof,

enable us to reap success in every single matrix

and fulfill our mission of Ushering in the End of the World.

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